Children often learn a lot from what they see going on around them, especially during their younger years when they’re so impressionable. The way that you handle situations with your ex and as a parent, in general, can help them to grow and learn how…
Any legal situation where children are involved can be stressful and emotional. This includes child custody cases. If you want the best chance of a favorable outcome for your child custody case, it’s important to prepare. Part of this preparation is gathering important documents related…
As a parent who is in communication with your ex-spouse and willing to work with them to make your custody schedule as easy to follow as possible, one time of year that is always frustrating is the summer. You know that it’s going to change…
You want to believe that your marriage is invulnerable to divorce. But is it really? Certainly, there can be no guarantees that you can go the distance as a couple. But there are some indicators that your marriage could be in jeopardy. One Midwestern family…