What are the acceptable grounds to get a divorce in Connecticut?

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What are the acceptable grounds to get a divorce in Connecticut?

When getting a divorce is your only solution, many in Southport, Connecticut, wonder how to start the proceedings. Some of the questions these residents have include:

  • How long will it take to complete the divorce?
  • Am I eligible to receive alimony?
  • How do courts make child custody and support decisions?
  • Will I receive a fair share of our marital property?

One of the most common questions we hear involves choosing the grounds upon which to file for a divorce. For those who want to get started as soon as possible, this is often their first question.

Acceptable divorce grounds in Connecticut

All American states have some type of no-fault divorce laws, including Connecticut. In most cases, a no-fault divorce is the easiest and fastest way to end a marriage. However, not all divorces are as simple as the spouses wish they were. Sometimes, the spouse filing for the divorce must cite one or more specific divorce grounds. Connecticut’s divorce grounds include:

  • Violence or cruelty on the part of a spouse
  • Adultery on the part of a spouse
  • Willful desertion by a spouse (for at least one year)
  • Unexplained spousal absence for seven years (or more)
  • Insanity or mental illness resulting in legal confinement
  • Spouse convicted for an infamous crime
  • Spousal alcohol or drug addiction
  • Fraudulently entering a marriage

If you cannot get a no-fault divorce, you must choose a ground upon which to file. In most cases, this will turn a relatively simple uncontested divorce into a contested divorce, which is typically more complicated. We recommend increasing your knowledge of Connecticut divorce laws, especially if you believe your spouse will contest the divorce.

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