While the divorce rate has been high in recent decades, experts have found a steady decline in recent years. The reason for this boils down to millennials following different marriage patterns than their parents. The younger population usually marries later in life when they have more financial stability.
However, couples of any age group are never immune from the prospect of divorce. It is a tumultuous time, and while there is a lot on the line, spouses should follow these tips when appearing in the courtroom:
Remain positive
Judges do not look kindly on people who bash their exes. Even if your spouse has done some bad things to you and your family, you want to maintain a confident, controlled demeanor. The judge will look at the facts, and if he or she concludes that the ex should not have any custody, then that shall be the verdict.
Only tell the truth
Some spouses believe they need to stretch the truth to get the assets they want. In the event the judge catches you in even a small lie, that will work against you tremendously. Any lie damages your credibility, so even when the truth may not be ideal, you want to stick with it.
Be aware of nonverbal cues
The judge also looks at you when you are not on the bench. Eye rolls or constant whispering will not look good. You need to be on your best behavior at all times when in the courtroom.
Act reasonably
You and your attorney discuss what assets to go after before the divorce date. You do not want to try to attain more assets than what is fair and equitable. When you present your position to the judge, thoroughly explain how you reached this decision and why you believe it is fair. Acting like a mature adult helps immensely during a divorce.