Monthly Archives: July 2018

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Coparenting after a divorce
Jul 29, 2018
Coparenting after a divorce

Connecticut parents who get divorced know that they must still find a way to work together for the benefit of their joint children. This is definitely a task that can be easier said than done. However, with the right level of consciousness and focus on…

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Can you relocate with your kids after your divorce?
Jul 20, 2018
Can you relocate with your kids after your divorce?

Despite the initial struggles that you may experience following your divorce in Southport, life will go on. Part of the process of moving on might involve the opportunity to relocate. However, your having custody of your children can complicate matters, as a move would no…

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10 Benefits of Reich and Truax Mediating your Case
Jul 12, 2018
10 Benefits of Reich and Truax Mediating your Case

Mediation is efficient and effective. When two parties share a common goal of wanting to reach a solution for pending issues, mediation is extremely beneficial. A successful mediation session begins with identifying the issues that need to be addressed and ends with a written agreement…

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Catching a spouse hiding assets
Jul 04, 2018
Catching a spouse hiding assets

If you are thinking about getting divorced or in a marriage that is on the rocks and possibly headed for divorce in Connecticut, you will no doubt want to start taking stock of your life on many levels. This stock taking includes getting a good…

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